Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Night on the town

Chateau de Montauban.
Cause everyone gets a chateau in France!
My host family went to the cinema to see a movie called Avis de Mistral, which was filmed in this area.  It sounded lovely and heartwarming, my least favorite type of film (see: Second Hand Lions), so I opted instead to explore Fontvieille, the town it was playing in, while everyone else was at the show.

 The Moulin (windmill) d'Alphonse Daudet.
                                                                  1 of 4, this is the only one to be restored, in 1935. 

This area is Provence, called Bouches du Rhone (mouth of the Rhone river).
Beautiful pastoral scenes like this are available whenever 

you can get a good look through all the trees.

After a little mini hike up around the 4 windmills, I wandered back down, past the Chateau de Montauban which, unfortunately, was closed, and through town.

A lot of stray cats, for some reason.

Yes, of course I took pictures of them.

Bullfighting!! It's not just for Spain!
I wandered past this and thought,
"That's not a..."
"No way is that door unlocked..."
But hey, yes it was, and hey, yes it is - a bullfighting ring.

If I want to make myself available on May 1st, I could really watch a bullfight.


  1. Yay cat pics! Almost as awesome as good pics!

  2. Do the cats eat the mice that get into the cheese?
