Friday, June 13, 2014

Arles Part 2 - Of markets and such

I have since been back to Arles three times, so I'm definitely getting some mileage out of my Awesome Pass.  The only problem with going to Arles is that I have to tell my host family I'm going to Arles.  In my opinion, pronouncing the letter "R" correctly is the hardest part of learning to speak French, ( Dave Barry totally backs me up, by the way) and "Arles" is just one big "R" sound, so it's kind of tricky.  It takes me a few tries each time before I can get it right.  I also kind of sound like I'm choking sometimes while trying to say it.

My host family and I visited the very big, large, kind of enormous street market that takes place every Friday.  It sells pretty much everything you can imagine.  The fruits and veggies are beautiful, of course, but there's also handmade jewelry, clothing vendors for blocks, items carved out of olive tree wood, food trucks, shoes, kitchen utensils, ice cream, spices, mattresses... Yes, that's correct.  Mattresses.  And most everything is pretty cheap.  Swimsuits - 5.  Shoes - 5.  The mattresses were a little more.

We bought a mix of food from the market for our lunch, which I love doing.  You get to sample a handful of the amazing items on display.  Spring rolls, paella, (a local specialty with all kinds of random seafood in it.  For a non-seafood lover, I am enjoying the paella here far too much), a baguette, raspberries, and some cheese, including a type of hard cheese that was 50€/kg.  We bought a teeeny sliver, just to see what 50 cheese tastes like.  I guess everything isn't extremely cheap, but it was delicious. 

I had to buy a couple of these babies. 
Because if I'm buying a chicken, 
I want the feet too, thank you
very much

The compactedness of the cars doesn't stop people from loading up a cart load of food for a family of 4 (+1) and a baby stroller, by the way.  It also doesn't stop them from jumping the curb for a good parking spot.
Not completely typical - usually all 4 tires on the sidewalk

Over the next couple of weeks, I squeezed in a few more visits to Arles while my host mom was busy.  Just a quick 30 minute bus ride and there I am.  My visits included more trips to the Arena, of course, pastries like you wouldn't believe, of course, and the other sites covered by my Awesome Pass.

The Museum of Antiquities, or Musée Departemental Arles Antique, if you're French, has some pretty interesting stuff.

Such as, this boat.  What you're looking at sat on the bottom of the Rhone river from roughly 30 AD until about a year ago.

Much many tiles.

Awesome mosaics.  Someone had some time on their hands. 

Roman jewelry.  What goes around, comes around in the fashion world.  I'm pretty sure I've seen similar pieces for sale recently.  I'd wear it.

Much wandering, checking out the sites.
Almond encrusted twisty
flaky thing.  Almonds are kind
of a big deal here

And the pastries.  Have I mentioned I like the pastries?  Cause, I like the pastries.

The Catacombs!  OOOoooo oooo
I made it to the catacombs on my third or fourth visit, located under an awesomely old building that is now used as the town hall.  I don't get creeped out easily, but this place definitely has an eerie quality to it.  It's DARK dark (pictures are with flash), and musty, and there's water dripping somewhere..  is that just for the tourists or something?  Cause it's eerie, guys.  Eerie!  Add to that, if you think about what the catacombs were used for (storing the deads), it's enough to put you a little on edge.  Which is why, when I was checking out an iron grate tucked back in a little alcove, and the nice older gentleman who, with his wife, were the only other people down there, poked his head around a column and said "Peekaboo!" at me, I just about jumped out of my skin.  We laughed about it, cause it was pretty funny!  Thanks a lot, older gentleman!  My heartrate didn't settle down to normal until I was back up in the sunlight!  Ha ha!  Ha!  Thanks.

Figure on the wall in the
Cloister de St Trophime
Hello.  I'm a picturesque little entry to an adorable 
little side street.  I serve no purpose other than to be
quaint and picturesque.
Aren't I adorable?

It's so easy to explore because it's such a walkable city.  It's beautiful and interesting.  Four trips to this place and I'm not bored with it yet!

Even the bunnies get baguettes!!